Consistent results for every user, every time
Label Traxx’s Estimating module enables you to capture all the details about your business: prospects, customers, equipment, dies, tooling, stocks, and labor costs. It is also the single source for your estimates and customer/prospect sales activity to drive effective sales behavior. In a highly competitive industry, speed-to-market with customer pricing is crucial in closing more deals. Label Traxx Estimating has been designed with this at the forefront.

Estimating Module Features
Learn more about Estimating in Label Traxx.
Consistent quoting
Drive and monitor consistent quoting across your entire business.
Address different markets
Create mark-up sets that can be applied to different customer types or markets.
Email from Label Traxx
Email professionally designed quotes directly from Label Traxx.
Quote complex jobs
Quote complex jobs with unlimited materials and processes.
Integrated with Siteline
Request quotes through the Siteline Sales portal for completion by experienced estimators.
Estimating history
Access customer estimating history, including win/ loss ratio.